Oculus Quest 2 sales
Posted by admin7470 on 17th Aug, 2021“Although Quest 2 is a standalone headset, it can also be plugged into a PC to play PC VR games through Oculus PC and Steam. The headset’s holiday success...
We are experienced game and software developers from Poland. We will release high quality games for VR and Nintendo Switch consoles. Games are our passion. We worked for such companies as Art Games Studio, Boombit and Ignibit. Over the years we gained tons of experience on development and publishing games on PC and consoles. Our goal is to release games that are extremely fun to play!
We have 8 years of experience in developing b2b games and apps. We worked with such brands as Cadillac, Mirinda, SAAB, Volkswagen, Mitsubishi and many others. We want to deliver high quality software for new clients. If you are looking for a great VR or AR developer, you are in a good place, please contact us!
We make every effort to deliver high-quality products on time and within the agreed budget. We also stick to this rule in internal projects. If we undertake an order, you can rest assured of its execution. We have a large network of specialists that we hire if necessary.
Creating games and applications is our passion. We love our work and put our whole heart into it. We use the latest solutions used in gamedev. We cooperate with large companies that provide us with the necessary equipment (often before a consumer premiere) and latest software.
The programming team did a very great job! Cadillac was very pleased about the results.
- Chris Chuang – AR Senses
“Although Quest 2 is a standalone headset, it can also be plugged into a PC to play PC VR games through Oculus PC and Steam. The headset’s holiday success...
Overbuilt S.A. is live! New website and tons of power to create awesome games for you!
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Share capital PLN 100,000.00 – paid up in full, District Court Gdańsk-Północ in Gdańsk, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register.